Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sabudana or Sago is Vegetarian

There is a post running on since last couple of months making wild claim that Sabudana or Saboodana or Sago is non-vegetarian.

This is what is claimed:

Answer in comments
Saboodana (साबूदाना )is popular food eaten during fasting and religious events ... Well, read the attached story and then decide yourself!!
Is Saboodana A Non-Vegetarian Or Vegetarian Food ?
Think about it..............
In Tamil Nadu, India,in Salem area on the road from Salem to Coimbatore there are many saboodana factories.
We start getting terribly bad smell when we were about 2 kms away from the factories.
Saboodana is made by root like sweet potato. Kerala has this root each weighing about 6kgs. Factory owners buy these roots in bulk during season, make it to pulp and put it in pits of about 40ft x 25ft.
Pits are in open ground and the pulp is allowed to rot for several months. Thousands of tons of roots rot in pits.
There are huge electricbulbs throughout the night where millions of insects fall in the pits.
While pulp is rotting, water is added everyday due to which 2" long white color eel is automatically born
like pests are born automatically in gutter. The walls of pits are covered
by millions ofeels and factory owners with the help of machine crush the pulp with the eels which also become paste.
This action is repeated many times during 5-6 months.
The pulp is thus ready as roots and millions & millions of pests and insects crushed and pasted together. This paste is then passed through round mesh and made into small balls and then polished. This is saboodana.
Now I know why many people don't eat Saboodana treating this asnon-vegetarian. If you find it appropriate and if you think after reading this one cannot relish Saboodana, pass on to those whom you want to save from this tasty food.
spread it to max u can....."

The above message has been circulating since last couple of months and being widely shared instantly without verifying facts.

First things first..This is beyond ridiculous and utterly idiotic report. In the manner described, sabudana or sago can never be made, scientifically it will automatically get decomposed. IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to make sabudana in manner described. No one on this planet can make it that way. Its total bullshit. One may have his/her personal or religious preference, but the original author of this nonsense writeup / rumour on sabudana reflects disgust and how ill-informed the person is about the manufacture process.

This is how it is made:
Saboodana is made from raw tapioca roots (commonly known as shakkarkand), an underground potato like variety. These tapioca roots (shakkarkand) are crushed in a tank and its milk/juice is extracted and stored for few days which changes its nature and turns into light paste... It is then poured into machine or hand sheets or big steel sheets with holes to produce white granules from the paste. Thus the white granules or small white balls are formed, which are dried and these dried granules/balls are called as saboodana.

The actual manufacturing process video - start to end:

Ofcourse, the video is dated. The manufacturing of saboodana, which has a very large market in India, has advanced technologically reducing human intervention by mechanising and increasing production. 

Such false claim could be a prank on people who follow vegetarianism or a sinister design to disrupt the regional-geographical industry. All speculation it is though.

But what is certain is that such idiotic claims remain unverified and instantly shared. 


  1. This is the best answer I was searching against the misconceptions about sabudana production.Thanks for the clarification

  2. Seriusly !! Itz amazing how people keep sharing messages. without looking for authentication.

    1. Sabudana and non-veg !!
      And people sharing rumors thru social sites and wtsapp etc...
      Wish they wud just stop and first try to know facts...
      Hoping ur post will spread as much...

    2. you are wrong brother. reason for be being non veg is
      ""stored for few days which changes its nature and turns into light paste...""

      thats what make it non veg. try to understand... leave your simple potato few days and then eat!! can you eat??

    3. then ur Dahi is pure NON VEG......Ha Ha Ha .......fermentation is everywhere.....also consider bread, Pav, even bhature.....

    4. Surely Pav and bread can be considered non veg if one wants to.
      But dont mislead people by simply saying dat it is kept for a few days and it changes its nature and turns into light paste. Its crap. Say dat infinite micro-organisms are made to regenerate in these few days till the nature changes and then crushed in machines into small balls.

  3. I am still confused about sabudana making. My grand grand mothers accepted sabudana for fasting. How it can be non vegetarian? The people at that time were very keen about food and hygine. So please reveal the truth if anyone can.

  4. Thanks for giving correct information and remove mis concept.

  5. Thanks to open my eyes with senior Mr.R. K. Sharma .

    1. very nice information to remove rumers

  6. Thank you so much for this info. I read about the alternate, sensational and utterly moronic alternate method of manufacturing sabuDana on a blog. And I obviously slammed it. It's as if fermentation makes food non vegetarian. By that logic, curd is non veg. And what then remains of milk, pray? Thanks a lot for dispelling such notions.

  7. Can't believed friends

  8. Apologies to divert the topic... but the concern is not about something being veg or non-veg. It is about tamasic and satvik food. Although curd is fermented, it is still satvik, hence acceptable during fast.

    Regarding the subject in discussion, it is the unhygienic process being followed which is a concern. Just like traditional Bakeries kneading dough with hand and foot.. Sabudana prepared in hygienic conditions is satvik and hence acceptable during fast.

  9. Your video link says it is private and not for public viewing. So please tell me why you have posted such video link which can't be viewed?


      There is Nothing Like Non-Veg They Just Drying it same like salt to get a Powder Form

      there is Nothing Like a Yeasts

  10. Your video link says it is private and not for public viewing. So please tell me why you have posted such video link which can't be viewed?


      There is Nothing Like Non-Veg They Just Drying it same like salt to get a Powder Form

      Its Nothing Like a Yeasts


    There is Nothing Like Non-Veg They Just Drying it same like salt to get a Powder Form

    Its Nothing Like a Yeasts

  12. Stored for a few days!!! And where exactly is the extracted milk stored? The video clearly showed it being stored in open tank.. And I am sure some divine intervention must be keeping all bugs away so that sabudana can remain completely vegetarian for consumption of (pseudo) fasting religious nut heads!

  13. but there is no video available

  14. Thats what!! People should realise that sago does not have a non-veg (you understand what I mean) smell! To taste too it has a starchy taste.

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  16. nice article. thanks for sharing the information. Visit Us Here for appalam, pappad, sabudana manufacturers
